Books & Signed Editions by Juno Dawson

Queen of Teen 2014 Juno Dawson is the multi award-winning author of ten novels for young adults. Juno also wrote the bestselling non-fiction guide to life and sexuality for young people, This Book Is Gay. In 2016 a follow-up, Mind Your Head, featured everything a young person needs to know about mental health.
Juno is a regular contributor to Attitude Magazine, Glamour Magazine and The Guardian and has contributed to news items on BBC Women’s Hour, Front Row, ITV News, Channel 5 News, This Morning and Newsnight concerning sexuality, identity, literature and education.
Juno’s titles have received rave reviews and have been translated into more than ten languages around the world.
Juno grew up in West Yorkshire, writing imaginary episodes of Doctor Who. She writes full time and lives in Brighton. In her spare time, she STILL loves Doctor Who and is a keen follower of horror films and connoisseur of pop music. Juno is a School Role Model for the charity STONEWALL. Follow Juno on Twitter: @junodawson
If you would like to have Juno Dawson visit your school we can arrange the booking for you, please contact us HERE.