Books & Signed Editions by Kieran Larwood

Kieran Larwood has been passionate about stories and storytelling ever since he first read The Hobbit aged six. He is now a full-time writer after working for 15 years as a Reception class teacher. For his first book in the Five Realms Series, The Legend of Podkin One-Ear, Kieran won the Blue Peter Book Award, was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize, and nominated for the Carnegie Award 2018. The second book in the series, The Gift of Dark Hollow was also nominated for the Carnegie Award 2019.
Kieran lives on the Isle of Wight with his family, and between work, fatherhood and writing, doesn't get nearly enough sleep.
Follow Kieran on Twitter: @kmlarwood
If you would like to have Kieran Larwood visit your school we can arrange the booking for you, please contact us HERE.
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