Books & Signed Editions by Sarah Govett

Sarah Govett graduated with a First in Law from Oxford University. After qualifying as a solicitor, she realised she was more interested in education and the communication of ideas and set up her own tutoring agency, Govett Tutors, which specialises in helping children from all backgrounds. She has also written for children’s television. She has two young children and lives in London with her TV presenter, stand-up comedian husband, Spencer Brown.
Her debut novel, The Territory, is a dystopian thriller, the first in a trilogy, and has been shortlisted for the Times/Chicken House Children’s Fiction Competition 2014. Set in a future Britain where unflooded land is scarce, everyone must pass an exam at 15 to stay in The Territory or be exiled to the disease-ridden Wetlands. But the system is skewed to favour the wealthy, and the narrator Noa, finds herself at a disadvantage, as well as being caught in a love triangle involving her lifelong friend Jack, and attractive new boy Raf. The Territory asks important questions about our education system such as the fairness of exams, the elevation of maths and science above more creative subjects, and the focus on regurgitation of fact rather than application of knowledge.
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